Saturday, May 29, 2010

A change in Terrain

A change of terrain

As we continue our trek on the Cassiar, every vista is awesome and a beautiful mountain stands at the end of each road, or stream or above each lake.  Some are sharp and jagged, evidence of how young they are geologically. Just before we got to our next destination, Lake Kanaskin, the terrain changed drastically.  The guidebook says that it was the sight of a major fire in 1958.  Wow!  It makes me realize how long it will take out Cuyamaca area to recover from more recent fires.   We are also leaving the area of hemlocks and cedars that take cold wet winters and long dry summers.  Those areas were lush but now we see northern boreal white and black spruce.  It has quaking aspen and lodge pole pine.  Lake Kinaskin is pretty.  The ranger came and asked us how out camper got so dirty!  She said there weren’t mosquitoes yet, and to let the black flies bite so you could build up immunity.  Fat chance!

It’s 34 degrees in the morning.     Lake Kinaskan deserves a page onto itself, coming next.

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