Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Authentic Town of Dawson

Front Street
The Gold Rush was over in a hurry in Dawson, and the town was virtually abandoned when rumors of Gold further north in Nome caused everyone to stampede once again.  Consequently, the town languished, with very few occupants for a long time.  Now, the old building are being preserved, one by one.  There is a very active tourist bureau, and since it is part of the Klondike Loop, Princess Cruise lines brings people here by the busload. so the town has a very tourist orientation, but the stuff you are looking at is real!

Second Street

Post Office

Catholic Church

The Auction House

A private home

Mural at hardware store

Buildings built at different times, now subject to frost heaves.  Built with no foundation.  They are leaving these buildings and they will comment on them as they deteriorate. 

Building right by the river.  No signage, but it looks like it has been moved here for restoration.  

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